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Dasharath : Man of Words
In the epic Ramcharitmanas, which revolves around the life and times of Lord Rama, the character of Dashrath stands alone and apart. He gets the honour of being the father of Shri Rama who is an incarnation of none other than Lord Vishnu. Having the Lord as his son, Dashrath not only enjoyed his status but also paid a price as well. This is in line with the fundamental rule in the world that the more valuable the item you seek, the more the price you have to pay. Dasharath always passed successfully those acid tests that Destiny put him to. It is the love and adherence to truth in his life that attracts one the most. The dignity of the character of Ayodhya’s king Dashrath is such that the he lived for ideals and eventually died for them. In adversity, when an ordinary human being would run for his life, Dashrath gave up hi life only to honour his pledge. Only such lives as that of Dashrath become sources of inspiration for the generations to come. A society that stops producing great men stifles the growth of not only its present but of its future also. Dasharath, thus, is a symbol of our desire to have a great society. This book dignifies the role of Dashrath in Ramcharitmanas. About The Author: Rajendra Arun has his own place among the narrators of Ramcharitmanas. He is unique in his style, as he engages his audience and readers in a manner that is neither unnecessarily melodramatic nor philosophically dry. He narrates the story of Ramayana in a very articulate and lucid way so that the listeners while enjoying it, are immensely inspired. He has earned the adulation of his readers and recognition of critics and institutions around the world. Rajendra Arun was born on July 29, 1945 in Naravapitambarpur village in Faizabad district, Uttar Pradesh, India. He adopted journalism after acquiring a Masters in Hindi from Allahabad University.
Publication Author |
Rajendra Arun |
Publication Year |
2016 |
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Book |
Publisher |
Prabhat Prakashana |
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